Psicrowns have unlimited PP capacity, but limited charge rate
The rules for determining "daily recharge rate" are in the last paragraph of the description of psicrowns before the list of "standard" varieties (emphasis mine):
The minimum manifester level of a psicrown is 8th for lesser, 11th for greater, and 14th for true. The type of a specific psicrown determines its daily recharge rate: 1/3 psicrown’s manifester level (round down) for lesser, 1/2 psicrown’s manifester level (round up) for greater, and equal to psicrown’s manifester level for true.
The same paragraph appears in Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Unleashed: Core Psionics System on page 186.
The interaction between the rules for recharging and the rules that set the daily recharge rate means that thereHowever, this is no limit to how manynot the maximum PP a psicrownit can hold, only a limit tostore! That's just how quickly theymany it can be stored. This is consistentcharged with the pointed lack of any language about PP maximumsper day by one manifester. The only limitactual storage maximum is tucked away into the item creation section of the rules (emphasis mine):
A psicrown cannot gain more than its daily recharge value inPsicrowns are always created with full power points per day and a manifester cannot imbue more than one psicrown per dayhave a maximum number of power points equal to ten times the psicrown’s daily recharge rate.
So a True psicrown, which has a minimum manifester level of 14, would have a daily recharge rate of 1 × ML = 14 PP, and a maximum capacity of 10 × daily recharge rate = 140 PP.
So if you're patient, you can super-charge a psicrown over the course of manyten days and then go to town with it.