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Added description about the ASoIaF social combat system
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Also you can check out A Song of Ice and Fire RPG as well as John Wick's Houses of the Blooded. Since I am a big fan of Wick's work, I advise the latter. It IS awesome. They are both beautiful about that kind of thing.

The social combat system in SIFRP is equivalent to the physical combat system - in recognition of the fact that the books it's modeling have conversations that are just as deadly as sword fights. There are social skills for attack and defense, initiative, and a social damage track.

As swords and maces are not identical, neither are earnest and deceptive social tactics. I had some criticisms of SIFRP, but the social combat system (and the regular combat system, for that matter), is top-notch. It puts social combat on equal footing with physical combat and uses a similar mechanic without making either one feel bland or making both of them feel the same.

Also you can check out A Song of Ice and Fire RPG as well as John Wick's Houses of the Blooded. Since I am a big fan of Wick's work, I advise the latter. It IS awesome. They are both beautiful about that kind of thing.

Also you can check out A Song of Ice and Fire RPG as well as John Wick's Houses of the Blooded. Since I am a big fan of Wick's work, I advise the latter. It IS awesome. They are both beautiful about that kind of thing.

The social combat system in SIFRP is equivalent to the physical combat system - in recognition of the fact that the books it's modeling have conversations that are just as deadly as sword fights. There are social skills for attack and defense, initiative, and a social damage track.

As swords and maces are not identical, neither are earnest and deceptive social tactics. I had some criticisms of SIFRP, but the social combat system (and the regular combat system, for that matter), is top-notch. It puts social combat on equal footing with physical combat and uses a similar mechanic without making either one feel bland or making both of them feel the same.

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Also you can check the A Song of Ice and Fireout A Song of Ice and Fire RPG as well as John Wick's Houses of the BloodedHouses of the Blooded. Since I am a big fan of Wick's work, I advise the latter. It IS awesome. They are both beautiful about that kind of thing. Uh, I can't make more than one hyperlink because of reputation thingy, so here is the urls:

Also you can check the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG as well as John Wick's Houses of the Blooded. Since I am a big fan of Wick's, I advise the latter. It IS awesome. They are both beautiful about that kind of thing. Uh, I can't make more than one hyperlink because of reputation thingy, so here is the urls:

Also you can check out A Song of Ice and Fire RPG as well as John Wick's Houses of the Blooded. Since I am a big fan of Wick's work, I advise the latter. It IS awesome. They are both beautiful about that kind of thing.

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Also you can check the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG as well as John Wick's Houses of the Blooded. Since I am a big fan of Wick's, I advise the latter. It IS awesome. They are both beautiful about that kind of thing. Uh, I can't make more than one hyperlink because of reputation thingy, so here is the urls: