###Hide in Plain Sight
(or similar) (also see the "camouflage" section)
Hide in Plain Sight
(or similar) (also see the "camouflage" section)
- Ranger 17 - natural terrain
- Scout 14 - natural terrain
- Illusionist 15 (class variant), Unearthed Arcana - unconditional
- Assassin 8, ecl 13 - within 10 feet of a shadow
- Shadowdancer 1, ecl 8 - within 10 feet of a shadow
- Nightsong Infiltrator 10, ecl 17, Complete Adventurer - natural terrain
- Dark Lantern 9, ecl 14, Eberron: Five Nations - does not require natural terrain or concealment, in fact seems totally unconditional
- Scar Enforcer 7, ecl 12, Races of Destiny - natural terrain
- Stonedeath Assassin 2, ecl 7, Races of Stone - "stoneskulk"
- Wildrunner 5, ecl 10, Races of the Wild - natural terrain
- Stalker of Kharesh 4, ecl 9, Book of Exalted Deeds - w/quarter cover or quarter concealment
- Wilderness Rogue (UA)
- Umbral Disciple 3, ecl 8, Magic of Incarnum - see text
- Luiren Marchwarden 5, ECL 10, FR: Shining South - doesn't require cover or concealment, but only works in specific region
- Shadar-Kai, race, Fiend Folio - ecl 4
- Dark creature, template, Tome of Magic - doesn't require cover or concealment or terrain, but doesn't work in bright light
- Shadow Creature, template, Lords of Madness - in shadowy regions only
- Lurking Terror 3, ecl 8, Libris Mortis - requires cover or concealment
- Paladin 6 (Shadow Cloak Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor web enhancement - near shadows
- Justice of Weald and Woe 9, ecl 15, FR: Champions of Ruin - natural terrain
- Planar Touchstone (The Veil), feat, Planar Handbook - near shadow
- Hellbreaker 1, ecl 6, Fiendish Codex II - in any kind of darkness, called "mantle of darkness"
- Shadowspy 9, ecl 13, Complete Champion - in area of sunlight
- Sentinel of Bharrai 5, ecl 10, Book of Exalted Deeds - within 10' of natural terrain
- Eye of Lloth 6, ecl ?, Drow of the Underdark - within 10' of shadow
- Ebonmar Infiltrator 8, ecl 13, Cityscape
- Forest Reeve 4, ecl 9, Complete Champion - natural terrain, called "camouflage"
- Black Dog 5, ecl 9, Dragonmarked - “lost in the crowd” see text
- Ranger 13
- Druid 13, halfling substitution level, Races of the Wild - replaces Thousand Faces
- Scout 8, natural terrain only
- Highland Stalker 7, ecl 12, Complete Adventurer
- Stonedeath Assassin 2, ECL 7, Races of Stone - only while underground and touching stone
- Dark Hunter 4 (ECL 9) Complete Warrior - only by a stone wall/etc
- Forest Reeve 4, ecl 9, Complete Champion - natural terrain