This would let you effectively be immortal, with certain limitations.
Where there are a number of classeclasses who gain abilities where they no longer age but still die of old age. Those skills have no cost and are free. Clone comes with a number of drawbacks.
First has an initial cost of 3000 gp. 120 day of growth time. If you die in that time period you cannot inhabbitinhabit the clone. If your original body has died from old age in that time period you cannot be raised and you cannot inhabbitinhabit the clone; you're dead.
If you successfully resurrect into your clone, you now need to retrieve your spellbook or a copy there of, the funds (a 1000gp diamond) as the vessel is not consumed in the creation, to create a new clone along with that inch cubed chunk of flesh out of your body, and another 120 day maturing cycle. If you've died of old age you most likely may have prepared for this time. If you were out fighting in some dungeon somewhere, unless the rest of your party survived you're stuck, your posessionspossessions remain wherever you died at.
As we don't have a DMG yet nor any guides to wealth, it's not clear how much money 3000 gold is, or how common those 1000gp diamonds are. So you are at the mercy of your DM.
So while you may be effectivlyeffectively immortal there are many circumstances where you are at a risk of dieingdying forever.