In the dungeon masters guideDungeon Master's Guide (PGpp. 267-268), there are rules for firearms, including future items (lasere.g., laser pistol, antimatter rifle and a laser rifle, along with modern weapons). Also explosives, including grenades. There isare also rules on 'alien technology' in the DMG (pg 268) which is rules for a character figuring out how to use technology works.
For most technology (magi-tech or otherwise), iI would use these rules and simply treat it as a magic item with similar properties. Jet pack is a broom of flying, a computer is a scroll of some divination spell (with recharging charges) and a hovercraft is an airship or flying carpet, etc., perhaps with limited charges.
Since the DMG also features guidelines on making spells, you can make up an ability with those guide linesguidelines and treat items as either scrolls or wands to simulate technology.