You may be encountering My Guy SyndromeMy Guy Syndrome.
There is a fine line between role playing in depth and falling into "My Guy Syndrome""My Guy Syndrome" where the cooperative fun at the table between players is influenced in a negative way.
This may be what your DM is concerned about. Review what is at the link regarding the My Guy Syndrome and see if it applies to how the play is going, or if it applies to you. Then discuss with your DM. You may wish to share the link to the My Guy Syndrome with the group, as it's one of those things that can happen to anyone playing an RPG.
The objective of an RPG is that everyone at the table have a fun experience, including the DM. The DM may not like a table where there is too much conflict within the party, or some of the other players may not like it and have mentioned it to him.
Each group of people who form a party should be open about their likes and dislikes, and discuss it before beginning play. The objective of everyone having a fun and enjoyable experience is improved by not letting problems or player conflict (not character conflict) stew beneath the surface.