Okay, I'm going to reply even though I figure this post is pretty old.
I was part of a party which had no healing abilities at all aside from the fighter's second wind and the ranger who never used his abilities once. Before that he'd played the worst life cleric you've ever seen, until the DM told him to switch to something he'd actually enjoy.
The party comprised a barbarian, a fighter, an evocation wizard, a dwarven illusionist/utility wizard in scale mail (me) and the ranger (who generally sucked).
It was the greatest campaign we'd ever played. We'd sit there, pouringporing over the map, examining trap locations, possible entrances and alternative options. We always went in with a plan (except the ranger), hit hard, fast and reliably came out on top. Going on was always a gamble, but we became very good at judging our chances and planning accordingly. Sometimes we'd even trap the bad guys in their own lair to get a long rest, then sneak in the side entrance when we were all healed up. This being despite the fact the bad guys had been watching us all night.
I found uses for all my spells, even the ones I'd chosen when I didn't know what I was doing, and found ways to get even more creative.
The DM found it both pleasing and infuriating. Frankly, I think you should never have a dedicated healer and if you're party is skilled enough you can really avoid it all togetheraltogether. Heck, if your party isn't skilled enough, it soon will be.