I need to figure out how temporary HP and non-lethal damage interact. I am an unchained Summoner who has been allowed to take the Synthesist archetype from summoner. This allows me to wear the Eidolon as armor and basically get most of its abilities as my own. This allows me to treat the Eidolon's HP as temporary HP. Now as I keep this temporary HP until its depleted or the Eidolon is unsummoned, how does non-lethal damage interact with it?
So when you are damaged it reduces your HP, and when you take non-lethal damage you count it, and when non-lethal equals you are staggered, and greater you are knocked out. I must again thank this answer for clearing this up so nicely.
So does temporary HP get counted in? Would I add both temporary HP and HP together to determine when I am staggered or knocked out from non-lethal, or do I still only consider HP? This is important because there are ways for me to replenish my temporary HP and sacrifice my HP to keep the Eidolon around.