Updates to Sanctuary and Find Familiar since the 2014 rules1 have led to new considerations regarding the interaction between these spells.
Sanctuary ends if:
... the warded creature makes an attack roll, casts a spell, or deals damage.
On the other hand, Find Familiar allows a familiar to deliver a touch spell on behalf of its summoner, seemingly without casting the spell or dealing damage itself:
... when you cast a spell with a range of touch, your familiar can deliver the touch ... it must take a Reaction to deliver the touch when you cast the spell.
This raises an interesting question: does Sanctuary end if a familiar delivers a touch spell?
Similar topics have been addressed in questions like:
How does the Warlock's invocation Gaze of Two Minds interact with the Unseen rule?
Can a familiar maintain invisibility while delivering a touch spell?
Does a touch spell have advantage when delivered by an invisible Familiar?
where it seems generally clear that pertinent spellcasting mechanics are basically determined by the Warlock, rather than the proxy creature.
1: Using a familiar to deliver a spell attack while both of us are under Sanctuary