Short answer: yes
How Can Mirrors VR Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real
A slightly modified Jaden Smith quote
The eye is the input (capture). the brain process the data (see).
Cyber eyes are trideo cameras that replace your eyes (different input) but it's your brain that still sees. They connect to the brain in a similar way regular eyes are connected to the brain. The ocular drone however simply allows the cyber eye to leave the body and broadcast their video feed to your brain.
Like it's name suggest, a DNI (direct neural interface) connects your brain to devices. It's a direct connection, so you don't need another input (eyes) to interact with the device.
When you are in VR, your brain process the Matrix directly. Your physical eyes will just shut down like sleeping but because your ocular drones are, as their name suggest, drones. You can control them in VR like any drones.