On an adventure we're playing most major cities are covered in a sort of mythal that allows law enforcement to know when spells are cast (you need to be registered to use magic inside the mythals).
My PC is a druid and often relies on Wild Shape even for very simple stuff (such as transporting himself). However, we're not sure if Wild Shape should be detected by the mythal.
At this point the question would be: Can supernatural abilities (like the druid's wild shape) be detected by a detect magic spell?
So our first stop is what SRD says on Supernatural Abilities:
Supernatural abilities are magical and go away in an antimagic field but are not subject to spell resistance, counterspells, or to being dispelled by dispel magic.
But apparently, there's not a consensus on whether Detect Magic should be able to detect Wild Shape (or any other Su ability for that matter). Some say it duplicates a polymorph spell, some say it's probably not detectable, and others say it's just not clear.
If we dig further we have the fact that detect magic:
- Is personal.
- Has a 60ft range (cone-shaped emanation).
- Requires concentration.
- Shows presence or absence of magical auras.
- May be blocked by 1 foot of stone.
And even if we detect Wild Shape, what kind of aura would be perceived?
But then again, a mythal is supposed to be epic so it probably wouldn't be restricted by the limitations of a 0-level spell.
What is a reasonable way a mythal would work with detecting Su abilities?
there's not a consensus
? \$\endgroup\$