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An initial stealthy/surprise attack with a subsequent adventurers entering combat afterwards?

A group wants to maximise the potential for surprise attacks using their stealthy members. They don't want their less stealthy members to blow a surprise attack.

A party of four; two stealthy, two not. The two stealthy members travel in to a room (~30 feet or so) and leave the two non-stealthy members behind the door/in the previous room (hidden).

The two stealthy members throw to surprise some monsters in the room. After any surprise attack round, combat starts proper and the two non-stealthy adventurers enter the room and enter combat. The two non-stealthy members did not want to try and surprise the monsters, they know they're too noisy, so they wait outside the room and out of sight and still.

Is this permissible under the rules? Would DMs out there ask for/permit this selective throwing for surprise and (after that) for the rear guard to enter combat after "the surprise round"?

This is related but disimilar from How to determine surprise when only part of a side is stealthy?. I am asking about the temporary splitting of a party to allow a stealth member only surprise attack followed by non-stealthy members entering room and entering combat.

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