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Dale M
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Your question is very detailed about what you do and how you feel and very short on what others do and others feel (apart from a single parenthetical aside). It is clear that you want to play DW as written. It is unclear if your GM or the other players want to or they are happy with the way that it is being played.

This is pretty important.

There may be an objectively correct1 way to play Beethoven's 9th symphony, however, the way it is played is as interpreted primarily be the conductor and secondarily by the musicians. If the first violin is not happy with the interpretation then they can voice their concerns to the conductor after they finish playing and the conductor can consider and respond and possibly change. Alternatively, if the conductor asks for feedback during rehearsal about a particular passage, its fine to state what you think . I trust I don't have to explicitly link the analogy.

Its difficult to tell you how to proceed since the information given is so incomplete. For example:

  • Is the GM not following the rules because they don't know them or as a deliberate choice?
  • Is the GM mixing game systems and if so is it inadvertent or intended?
  • How is your feedback received by the GM? By the other players?
  • Does your feedback have an effect?
  • Do you get a response? Is is "OK, we'll do it that way" or "No, we'll keep doing it this way?"

Essentially, if your feedback is improving the game in ways you want and not pissing other people off: keep doing it. If it isn't/is respectively: stop doing it.

  1. ... but I doubt it.
Dale M
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