I kinda found out why so much people got trouble comming up with the right way to craft a healing potion using the herb kit. The above is very detailed but flawed at one point i will place a link where a kind sir explains the exact cost and days spend on making a healing potion and why its diffrent than the above. (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/5lon4k/herbs_and_where_to_find_either_a_list_or/)
The reddit post also points out the shizzle with ingridients... Hope this helps (because really no wonder people think making healing pots aint worth it because of 10 days downtime AS THIS IS WRONG)
Duo to the request of placing the answer here instead of using a link to an external source i wil just place the formula for making magic potions/consumable items like scrolls and the much asked healing potion below.
So first i wil state 3 things which u can look up in the dm book and the phb so my sources are none other than these 2 legal pieces of work.
- healing potions are magic items even if the phb sorts them in adventure gear section they are legit magic items!
2.non magical item crafting and magic item crafting are 2 diffrent things the first can be found in the phb book while the 2nd can only be found in the dm book which probally led to this amount of confusion.
3.MOST IMPORTANT in the dm book page 135 there is a part that says that consumable magic items i repeat consumable magic items are half of the price of its rarity.
- the above 3 points are enough but to expand on point 3 in the dm book each rarity has a price tag with a common magic item being 100 gold duo to point 3 which makes it 50 gold that is where the store price for a healing potion comes from.
So now finally for the FINALE THE much asked formula for the healing potion crafting time and details. common magic healing potion is worth 50 gold (if it wasnt a consumable it would be 100. Magic crafting rules give u 25gp crafting value each day instead of 5gp for normal crafting rules meaning u can finish a healing potion in 2 DAYS. This makes shizzle loads of a diffrence compared to what most people think 10 freaking days by normal crafting rules. So to sum it up 2 days for 50 gp and 25gp cost for the ingridients wil cost u 2 days of downtime and 25 gold pieces.
One thing i was confused about is that herbs are not really a thing in d&d there is no list of existing herbs nor are there specifiek recipes for potions. So what does the phb description of the herb kit mean with herbs? Its just a basic description the crafting rules want u to litteraly cough up the ingridients in hard cold cash u dont need to forage for herbs or buy them from a store u just need to shit golden bricks.
Even tho there are spells like Hallow which needs components like "herbs" and some other stuff with a worth of 1000gp meaning an arcane focus or a comp pouch wont work. U would think that there would be a section about finding herbs or buying them or anything specifiek -.- sorry to say there is nothing of the sort. So either the DM needs to make something up like u going to a store saying hello i want to buy 1000gp worth of herbs and he gives u a bag of the weed. Or he can make up some homebrew recipe list which would not really be homebrew because wizards of the coast left this open on purpose?? For the dms to make up anything they want if they dislike u just paying 25 gold for crafting a healing potion as u clearly need herbs whom ever heard of a healing potion made out of freaking solid gold dammit.....