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For questions about encounters, a broad term used to describe when the player characters meet with a group of NPCs. They can range from hostile to friendly, randomized to story-driven.

8 votes
2 answers

At what level can a party fight a mimic?

I'm actually starting to get into D&D and I may be soon buy the D&D Starter Set. Mimic is a monster whose concept I love, and I would like to put at least one as soon as possible when I'll DM, even if …
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21 votes
2 answers

How can I add encounters in the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign without giving PCs too much...

I was thinking about adding some encounters if the PCs want to explore the forest or other side-story zones that aren't considered in the book. … Given prior experiences as a GM or player (especially with LMOP in particular), how can I give PCs XP for encounters that aren't scripted without changing too much of the scenario level expectation? …
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10 votes
4 answers

Can this party play the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure without too much trouble?

By normal difficulty, I mean that one or two characters may fall unconscious during planned encounters and one or two may even die against a boss if players roll badly, if the boss rolls great or if they …
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