I untie knots like Alexander,
I get my way with a quick back-hander,
My PC security is an unused plug,
Why fight my battles when I've hired a thug,
They say I sword fight just like Indi,
I call this bolt cuter 'The Master Key',
I keep my best cards behind my back,
And my favourite trick is a brute force hack.
What am I?
Oh! And here's a stumper that's got me stuck:
If stack overflow goes down, how do they fix it?!
I can't swim to save my life but I don't mind getting out of my depth.
I am not superstitious.
I believe in sods law because It's been through a full corporate validation and gotten the green-light by the head of QA. SO... When it comes to the chances of any unwanted side effect, specific disaster scenario, best laid plans going astray OR a user doing something seemingly unlikely, just remember;
1:1000 ≈ 1:1
and 99.9% Certain ≈ 100% Uncertain