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Looking for a review of a quick variant crusader, the berserker. Goal is to balance with the crusader itself.
Crusader Variant: Berserker
Many believe berserkers’ fits of rage to be divine blessings—or curses. Even more than crusaders, berserkers follow the whims of fate and are only empowered by dire circumstance.
Alignment: Any nonlawful, including true neutral.
Class Features
As a crusader of your level, except you do not gain furious counterstrike, indomitable soul, zealous surge, or smite, and Devoted Spirit and White Raven are not berserker disciplines. Instead, you gain the following:
Disciplines: Iron Heart, Stone Dragon, and Tiger Claw.
Berserker Strength (Ex): As the alternate barbarian class feature from Player’s Handbook II, except the activation threshold is based on initiator level (the upgrades at 11th and 20th are still based on class level).
Steely Resolve (Ex): As crusader, except that the size of the delayed damage pool additionally increases by 5 at 2nd and every four levels thereafter (6th, 10th, 14th, 18th), for a total of steely resolve 60 at 20th.
Damage delayed by steely resolve counts towards whether or not berserker strength activates (effectively, while steely resolve delays taking the damage, it does not delay activating berserker strength).