I was reading on geek-related.com that there is a large debate on the effectiveness of using experience ("XP")points as a means to level up for DnDD&D Next. I want to start using a non-XP method of advancement in my game but want to understand the exact changes I may see in play.
So for anyone here who has used an alternative to XP in their campaigns that they've participated in as a means to level up:
Was this new way to level brought about by the players or the GM and for what reason?
Did you see any change in behaviour from the players? (i.e. Problem solving to achieve their objectives through stealth, diplomacy, responses like that over killing whatever moves) and did the change meet your initial expectations - did it end up being a good or bad change?
What are the effects of removing the XP system as a requirement to level, especially on the players' in-game activities? Any experience you have onWhen using an alternative to XP in actual play would be helpfula campaign, is there any change in behaviour from the players? (i.e. problem solving to achieve their objectives through stealth, diplomacy, responses like that over killing whatever moves) and are the changes for better or worse?