The anti-party can also cast slow on the party ;, while casting haste upon themselves.This This party can be one that a former enemieenemy of theirtheirs came up with to deal with them.So, so he or she can do their vile plains and get away with it !;or (Or not.)
Also, what about bad guys in covered camelflogedcamouflaged holes to ambush the unweary unwary!.This This vile group could be called the antlions;uantlions—you know that tiny insect in the desert that couses it'scauses its victims to slide down to them for their meal.There is There are rumors they just moved in2into the area;hardarea, that they're hard to defeat;that cavalierlydefeat, that a cavalier unit died by their hands;&hands, and so on &, and so on.Also
Also remember a apposingan opposing party doesn't need to be evil;yetevil, yet not want to work with any1 else;andanyone else, and of course they get in the way going after the same goal!.