I am about to start a Pathfinder campaign as a Gnome Cavalier and just discovered the wonders of Handle Animal. More specifically, the ability to raise wild animals as domestic pets and war beasts. I want to try to raise a large Cast of Hawks to follow me around durring the endgame and piggy-back off of my Tactician abilities, mainly Overwhelm (for bonus flanking) and Precise Strike (for bonus d6 rolls while flanking) with a nice coating of Stick Together(for mob tactics) for good measure. However, the rules concerning rearing wild animals are pretty open-ended, with the only restriction being "A handler can rear as many as three creatures of the same kind at once". So is there any upper limit of animals that I can rear, or can I lead a mighty army of Hawks into my final battle, enough to blot out the sun, and murder my foes with mighty 1-8 HP blows?
Or just 36 THP per round36THP, that works too...
Also, how many trained creatures am I allowed to command in combat?