In Dragon Age canon, mages are controlled by the Chantry, who assigns Templars to watch them. They stay in the Tower unless given a specific mission, and when they leave it is with a Templar to guard (against) them and command them.
The Templar specialization is open at 6th level; any new player character would be a raw recruit with no reason to be escorting a mage. Likewise, what is a 1st level mage doing out of the tower? When I said I would like to be the party healer the game master said that because of these reasons I could not be a Circle Mage and should be an Apostate.
This lead to a situation during the game where I was identified by the Templar as being an Apostate, and they offered two solutions, join the Circle... or become Tranquil on the spot.
They are investigating my claims of being a Circle Mage, but it is only hours before they find out I'm really Apostate. They insisted I make a phylactery, so if I run they can hunt me wherever I go. I talked to the GM, he said that either way I would essentially be making a new character. It has driven a big wedge between me and the other players (and their characters) and no one is having fun.
The question isn't about this situation per se. I just want to know if there is a way to create a mage that won't be bossed around and locked up... or killed/mindwiped.