In my DnD 4e group, they will stumble upon a Sphere of Annihilation (Tomb of Horrors) in the near future, they just don't know it yet - unless the wizard calls for an Arcana check. Now I, the DM, have warned them upfront that the gloves are off (from two session ago), so I am assuming the worst and that someone is going to stick an arm in - not necessarily their own.
Since the 4e version is too friendly for my taste I have opted for the 3.x version, aka you jump in = you die
The question is: What happens if someone just sticks their arm in, rather than jumping in outright.
Do I call instant death via being sucked in/disintegration? Do they lose said limb and similar damage as the Eye of Vecna ritual? The actual effect of the SoA isn't really described, which leaves a lot open to the DM's interpretation, which places me in a bind as whether to PK or grievously maim.