I have now run a game of Paranoia with my players, and they really enjoyed it. In particular they loved that for once they could turn on each other, they really enjoyed passing me secret notes, getting secret assignments and throwing each other under the bus (at one point literally).
One of the players suggested introducing some of this to our D&D game, bringing a bit of tension and discord into the group. Our normal DM is open to the idea and enjoyed playing Paranoia but has asked me to sit down with him to flesh out the best way to bring Paranoia and D&D together.
Our goal for this is: we want to keep D&D Straight but get the in-team politics more combative, so as to allow for friction within the group instead of everyone just working together. However, we don't want to descend to the point where we end up wiping our characters out. We have also discussed applying the more relaxed storyplaying approach to the rules, our DM is thinking about taking a more relaxed approach to combat, etc, so it all flows a lot faster and saves the detail for the big basses, etc. As players we prefer more roleplaying rather then mechanics play anyway.
Has anybody had any experience of trying to meld the craziness of Paranoia in other roleplay systems? We don’t want a straight swap, this isn’t Paranoia in fantasy land. But we want to bring in more opportunities for the players to act against one another without causing real issues in the group as one player decides to just kill another’s character. Any hints and tips I can take to out D&D GM greatly appreciated.