Ananasi by default, after their First Change do not care about or possess empathy towards other people, becoming very emotionless and just seeing others as potential pawns and meat.
But could an ananasi ever perhaps actively at least try to care/have empathy?
Perhaps on a wide general scale, they might have used to be very empathetic about others and want to try gain some of who they once were back, as part of that ananasi individualism.
Or perhaps on a solely very individual basis, they've been closely associated with a Brujah or Toreador kindred, who has some to view them as a friend and care something fierce for them - and they might want to try work to reciprocate even some of that.
Just some different examples for the sake of clarity, but whatever the hypothetical reason and scale of the attempt - could there in actuality by game game lore, ever even be a reason or attempt had by one?
Or is it, by how ananasi are, completely impossible and something that would never even occur to any to try at all?