Disclaimer: I asked previously here the specific effects of the Returning weapon property; where HeyICanChan smashed what little hope I held to pieces.
Using the Quick Draw feat, a character with N attacks may throw N different weapons in a single turn. Unless that character is a level 4 Bloodstorm Blade, however, they may only recover at most a handful of them for the next turn.
As a result, such a build goes through thrown weapons as an archer build goes through ammunition. For an archer build, a bow confers its enhancement bonuses and other enchantments unto the arrows it fires. For a throwing build...
Is there a glove, gauntlet, or any such item which could be used to allow enhancing and enchanting darts or shurikens as they are thrown, much like a bow enchants the arrows it fires?
And if there is not, would it game-breaking to create such a custom magic item... for, say, the same price as a bow with equivalent properties?
Note: I could work 4 levels of Bloodstorm Blade in the build, at a cost, but the idea that a prestige class such as Master Thrower is near pointless without another prestige class does not sit well with me.