In the following scenario, does the barbarian get the extra 1[W] damage from rage of thunder hooves?
Pressing Strike
At-Will Standard Action
Melee Weapon
Target: One Creature
Keywords: Primal, Weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you shift 2 squares. You can move through an
enemy's space during the shift but you can't end there.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Str modifier damage, and you push the target 1 square. If you are
raging, the attack deals 1d6 extra damage.
Thunder Hooves Rages
Daily Standard Action
Melee Weapon
Target: One Creature
Keywords: Primal, Rage, Weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Str modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You enter the rage of the thunder hooves.
Until the rage ends, you can move through one or two enemies' spaces during
each of your turns.
When you move through an enemy's space, your next attack against that enemy
during the same turn deals 1[W] extra Damage.
Key: _: Empty space L: Part of large monster W: Wall B: Barbarian
Example Layout:
Scenario: The barbarian uses Thunder Hooves rage (granting him rage of thunder hooves), then uses Pressing Strike and shifts south one square, then east one square.
Observation: It almost seems like the barbarian should have to move entirely through the monster (the same way you would calculate flanking) in order to get this bonus, on the other hand the barbarian would be moving through part of the monster's occupied space.