One player in one of my groups always builds PCs that puts the rest of the party to shame. Even when the player tones down their PCs, their PCs are still considerably better than the rest of us. Their PC usually has the highest AC, the biggest attack bonus, deals the most damage, has the highest skill modifiers, or several of these at once.
The other players don't seem to mind as much as I do, but sometimes they and the GM get annoyed at just how superior the player's PCs are to the other PCs at the table.
The campaigns the GM runs are good, but I'm tired of my PCs seeming inferior next to that other player's super PCs.
(We have played in several games. The first game was mythic and it was level 11 and Tier 5. We never got further. Otherwise we have started from 1st level and gone up. Currently 8 is our highest level.)
I've already tried:
- Talking to the player. I can't seem to get my point across.
- Giving myself a break from the campaign by dropping out for a few weeks. When I returned, thing were unchanged.
- Even just getting over it, putting it out of my mind and focusing on my own PC. That worked until some previously unrealized part of the player's super PC pushed my buttons again.
I have talked with the DM. He has also talked with the player (and table talk has suggested that some of the truly outrageous abilities are stricken even before it comes to the table).
That’s part of the issue of how veratile the characters tend to be. Except for knowledges and languages, he tends to cover the rest of the important skills.
What can I do as a player to convince them that their super-powered PCs make the game a lot less fun for me without impacting their enjoyment of the game?