Half-Orc Barbarian Conan has been Enlarged, making him Large. During a fight against some Couatls, he managed to grapple one and beat it to death.
Now, having something (the body of the dead Couatl) already in his hands and being a tad affected by his current rage, Conan decides to strike a second Couatl with the first one. Laughs all around the table as the DM rules that he can indeed wield the corpse as an improvised weapon (bludgeoning), given the situation.
A Couatl is immune to non-magical bludgeoning, among other things. But given the fact that the first Couatl is a magical creature and has the Magic Weapons feature, does the damage count as magical damage?
Magic Weapons: The couatl's weapon attacks are magical.
If yes, would any "magical creatures" work for this purpose or only ones with the Magic Weapons feature?