My Werewolf game is going along quite swimmingly to the point that the players will ask that I keep the server (We play using maptools) open so they can discuss the plotline for hours after each session. There are conflicting motivations and goals for everyone in the pack, and it's fun to see what happens next.
This is except for one player who's entire contribution to the plot is "I kick that" or "I want to loot the body." He has told me that he's not comfortable with roleplay and just wants to be able to use his skills, yet, despite being the pack's best "rogue-like" (high stealth, larceny, dex), he will not really offer to use these skills unless the pack specifically asks it of him and really, the only initiative he takes is in combat.
Is there a way to reconcile this naturally when the larger portion of the group enjoys quieter dialogue puzzles and mysteries?
Edit for more info: The player in question is a good friend and he's been playing with me and my groups for a couple to three years now and, as my brother pointed out, he tends to be relatively disconnected from play except when something is presented as a challenge. So, a change in character may be in order and I could talk to him about switching to something that's more his style.
I did consider letting him play another supernatural type, but I'm leery about that due to other player response and the fact that I don't want to detract from what the others are doing.
While I am relating this for Werewolf, I figure this is a good system-agnostic question.