Reading the Angry Predator Frenzy charm (The last one of the Tiger Style charms), it says:
Cost: — (+5m, 1wp); Type: Permanent; Duration: Permanent.
But reading the charm, it clearly says:
As the martial artist enters the Tiger Form, she may pay an additional five motes and a point of Willpower to unleash the Angry Predator Frenzy, roaring with bestial fury as she casts aside the restraints of humanity.
From what I understand, the "Permanent" part is kind of a lie, because it needs to be activated together with the Tiger Form, each time you want to use it.
However, a player of the game I'm narrating (who wants to buy it) considers that it works permanently. Meaning you only pay the cost once, and you remain in that form for ever.
Which of these is the correct interpretation?