I have a pen and paper game that I'm creating, but I'm running across issues in keeping the ratios between high and low level players similar in the battle and reward equations. Obviously a higher level player should receive less experience, but have the upper-hand in battle when fighting lower level players and monsters. Here is how I'm calculating things currently:
Battle starts
If player.dex > enemy.dex
Accuracy = ((player.dex - enemy.dex)/2)*20
If player.dex < enemy.dex
Accuracy = ((enemy.dex*player.dex)-enemy.dex)/player.dex
Accuracy is a percentage tested against a roll of a 100 sided die.
If accuracy > roll
Hit success
If accuracy < roll
Hit fails
If hit success
All of the attacker's damaging items (spiked helms and shields, weapons, etc.) are added together and applied as such:
Damage = (player.str + item.damage)-(enemy.dex + enemy.armor)
If the player is fighting a monster, I have a base amount of gold and experience which is modified according to the player:
Gold gained = (enemy.gold*rand(1,10))/player.level
Exp gained = (enemy.exp*rand(1,3))/player.level
If the player is fighting another player, then there will have to be a different equation for the rewards, but I'm not sure how to go about creating that one.
As this is my first attempt at creating (though I'm an avid RPGer), I'm not sure if there is kind of an "industry standard" form of calculating these things or not. I'm also afraid that these equations won't hold up once the player reaches higher levels (say level 50+). Can anyone give me some advice on this? I want it to be fairly deterministic because I may put it into a computer program eventually.