I would like to create some small groups of kobolds for my players to tackle with. The idea is to have some "standard" kobolds copied directly from the Bestiary 1, but to also have some "special" ones with some class levels in fighter or sorcerer (and also "intermediate" ones with adept or more warrior levels).
I found the "Monster Advancement" page, but this is a description to add class levels to monsters that otherwise only possess racial hit die (Trolls, Giants etc.)
So, does this work exactly like creating a player character? How do I determine ability scores? The Kobold Warrior 1 listed in the Bestiary 1 seems to have had Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8 before racial adjustments (A 3 Point Buy, if i calculated that right)
How do I determine CR for a Kobold with added Class Levels? According to the Monster Advancement page, adding a Class Levels adds +1 CR if the class is "key", otherwise only 1/2, also only 1/2 if its a NPC Class. Shouldn't the Bestiary I Kobold Warrior 1 then have a CR of 1/2 (because Warrior is a NPC Class) instead of 1/4?