This is inspired by the following question:
The answers there state that, assuming we are on a grid, if you have 35 speed and you are prone it takes 15 movement to stand up which leaves you with 20 movement leftover. Similarly then, if your speed was 15 it would take 5 movement to stand and you would have 10 movement left over. But what about when your speed is 5; does it require 0 movement and so you have 5 movement leftover? The section on being prone states:
[...] You can't stand up if you don't have enough movement left or if your speed is 0.
Here our speed is not 0 and we do have enough movement left (0 movement); it seems to me that this is technically valid then. I'm just wondering if there's a rule I've missed somewhere or if it is in fact possible for a creature to stand from prone while having 0 movement available, given that their speed is 5?
In other words, following the logic of those answers, it should take 0 movement to stand up if your speed is 5. Is this the case?