I love the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition career system. But I don't know anyone else who is interested in the system, and the books are all out of print and very expensive.
From what I understand, 3rd ed pretty much completely does away with the system in favor of something more traditional. If I'm mistaken, please say so.
What I like about it:
- It's a class based system.
- There are a lot of different careers, particularly with the career compendium.
- The careers are unique, evocative and interesting. They have roleplaying implications are basically your characters "day job." Careers aren't just a collection of game mechanics.
- The system encourages a real career path. The entrance and exit paths guide you along instead of just hoping between unrelated careers.
- The system encourages class changes. Even if you stick with maxing out one career, you'll max it our relatively quickly and then need to move on.
- Your starting class is random, appropriately limited and weighted by race.
Additionally desired traits not possessed by WFRP 2nd ed:
- In print or available used at reasonable prices.
- Actively supported by either publisher or community.
- Popular enough I'll actually be able to find or convince some to GM it.
So what game out there shares the most of these characteristics?