The closest thing that I can provide for you in this answer does not actually cover the "IRL" aspect you seem to be looking for, and for that I apologize. However, I can provide you with resources for these sexually transmitted diseases you may find suitable for your objectives.
For this, we have the Book of Erotic Fantasy, which contains all sorts of shenanigans, including but not limited to sexually transmitted diseases. I advise caution at using this resource, as it can be somewhat graphic, and not everyone wishes to use this kind of content in their game (It's serious business, let me tell you).
The section in question begins near the end of Page 44, with a table on the top half of Page 45, and descriptions which end around halfway through Page 47 (and a graphic image on the bottom of Page 46). Some of these diseases are modeled after real-world ones, some are magical in nature, and some are re-vamps or modifications of pre-existing material.
I must apologize, though. I am not sure if you are looking for a print copy, and if you are I am still not sure if you can find one available. Additionally, this material can be rather intense, and I will say again that it is not suitable for everyone. It's actually kind of embarrassing for me to even be able to answer this the moment I see it.
On-top of that, I cannot think of any material that covers other mundane "IRL" diseases that you are also looking for, and I hope that what I have provided here for you will be satisfying enough until/unless a better answer shows up.
One final note: If anyone wants some brief examples of the material in question, I will be happy to provide some disease descriptions, with some appropriate modifications (I'm honestly not sure if/how the TOS addresses these things, which is why I have been super vague thus far).