From an old [email protected] message:
1.Did 2nd Age God Learners acknowledge Hrestol as their prophet? (There is no mention in Abiding Book about Hrestol and Joy.) MRQ setting said YES. But I said Greg's current idea MIGHT NOT BE.
As far as I know, they did - or at least didn't regard him as a raving heretic. The Irensavelites they certainly didn't like, but not all Hrestoli are Irensavelite.
and from a later message:
Should I interpret above as 3rd Age Irensavalites don't revere Hrestol, either? I expected most of 3rd Age Loskalmi are New Hrestoli and Irensavalite.....their prophets are Malkion and Hrestol. Please tolerate my limited English ability.
The Loskalmi and the Immaculates are both Irensavelite and Hrestoli. The Castle Coasters are Hrestoli, but not Irensavelite. So the MSE can dislike the Irensavelites (the ancestors of the modern Loskalmi) without disliking all Hrestoli (many of whom are the ancestors of the modern Castle Coasters).
Hrestol himself was not an Irensavelite; that came later, notably from Tomaris. When LotW2 is eventually released, with its list of heresies against the Rokari Church, you'll see that the Hrestoli Heresy and the Fronelan Heresy (i.e. Irensavelism) are not the same thing - although the Loskalmi practice both, of course.
I can't find mention of these Irensevalite's anywhere! It is apparently a doctrine of an offsplit of the Syanoran church (to judge from the link to the "Fronelan heresy"; cf. the heresies section at the end of Trotsky's The Syanoran Church write-up). So, who were they?