The last time we played, I left my players in the current situation:
The players have just defeated some zombies. Suddenly a big dark cloud is materializing above them, hiding the sun. Right after, the zombies' commander just shows up, facing them, bellicosely. It is a frail women who obviously knows magic: she magically created a helmet to protect her head.
I asked them to make a "Perception" roll, saved their score, and ended the game with no further information.
Here is my dilemma: one of my player made a critical success with his roll. So I have to give him some relevant information but I don't want him to understand immediately what they are up against.
I would like they start the fight as if they were fighting a human, and eventually they will guess her true nature during the fight, like:
OMG, all those clues, how did I not find the truth earlier!!!
They are actually facing a female vampire. As I said, they probably already figured out she is a witch. So I can give him some details about her magic cloud spell to divert his attention on her magic skills instead of her true nature. But as I said, I would like to give him some innocent clues about her vampire condition.
Canine teeth, diaphanous skin or things like that are too obvious to be given to the player. I am looking for other vampire specifics that I can give him without drawing his attention.
Actually, they already have some clues :
- they are in broad daylight and the woman invokes a dark cloud to hide the sun
- she invokes a helmet to protect her head but also hide it from them (the helmet covers her whole face)
Concerning the game system, I am using the dK² system (a french system derived from D&D 3.X editions, I don't know if it is known outside of France). Anyway, I do not think it is relevant since I am only asking for narrative-technique to achieve my goal.
Concerning the background, it's a custom one, in a medieval-fantasy world. Nothing is set about vampires. I have some classical ideas in mind (diaphanous skin, blood list, -shine burn under sun ray, etc), but you can take your inspiration in a lot of background. It could be a lead to give innocent clues to my players as neither them or their characters know exactly what is a vampire and how to recognize them.
I also intend to give him the results of his roll and start the game immediately so he cannot process all the information right away.
(Excuse me for my english, I am not a native speaker and not familiar with this kind of english vocabulary, please correct me if I am using wrong words)