Specifically, there is a character in the Curse of Strahd (p. 133):
Hiding behind the barrels is a wounded elf named Savid (N male dusk elf scout).
Also, it's worth pointing out that (from p. 119):
[Dusk elves] have dark skin and hair, but otherwise they are similar to wood elves (as described in the Player's Handbook).
The only example I know of (in Curse of Strahd, at least) of an NPC statblock given to a non-human race is:
Kasimir, who's stats on p. 233 list the various changes to the mage statblock, including generic elf traits like darkvision and Fey Ancestry, but not wood elf specific traits like Mask of the Wild. It also doesn't mention ability score changes, such as the elves +2 to Dexterity or the wood elves +1 to Wisdom.
There is also Rahadin, p. 237, but he's given his own unique stat block, so he doesn't count, although he is also notably missing wood elf specific traits like Mask of the Wild.
In the former case, no changes are specified at all, only an alignment and a race. In the second case, a few changes are made, but not enough to be a fully fledged member of that race.
It seems that, RAW, no changes are supposed to be made to these statblocks except those that are explicitly given, but I'm wondering whether there are any generic rules for NPC stat blocks that I've overlooked that state that such NPCs should be given the relevant ability score adjustments to match that NPC's race, or any other racial traits as per the Player's Handbook?