We have been running a Dragon Age RPG using battle maps (online) as it is more convenient for playing remotely. The core rulebook gives hints about how such a game could run in the section Using Battle Maps in page 52:
Using miniatures and battle maps in Dragon Age is easy. Two yards in the rules translates into 1 square or hex on the map. Round down if needed. So a character with Speed 9 would move 4 squares or hexes on a battle map with a move action. A short bow with a range of 32 yards can shoot up to 16 squares or hexes on a battle map.
And that is it with the matter of using maps, unless I missed some other rules. But based on the answers on that other RPG.se post, I think there is not: How is the Dragon Age RPG combat supposed to be played?
In our usual experience of battlemap systems like D&D or Pathfinder, that use 5ft squares, you can find clear rules about:
- Movements: and specifically diagonal movements (odd diagonal = 1 movement, even diagonals = 2)
- Stacking up: tokens would not usually stack on the map, unless they have a size Tiny or less
- Zones of threat: enemies have zones of threat, for example 1 or 2 squares arround them, they control that zone and player are subject to opportunity attacks when moving in that zone
- Moving through occupied squares: it is impossible to move past an occupied square unless the occupant is willing to let you do so and that you do not finish your movement on that square
Dragon Age RPG does not provide for zones of opportunity attacks and threat zones, with the exception of the minor action press the attack which reacts to the movement of your adjacent foe by a movement of your avatar.
In those conditions there is nothing that would stop or threaten the player to go past one or multiple ennemies unharmed, and that seems a little too permissive. That means under certain circonstances that the player may even move through an occupied tile.
For the time being we agreed with the players on the following rules:
- there are no zones of threat, so the player can leave or go past a tile adjacent to the foe, but cannot move past them (it may allow an ennemy blockade)
- As tile are slightly bigger than D&D tiles (2yards vs 5ft) we have allowed allies to stack upon certain conditions, like taking cover for example
But as the longer we will use those rule the harder it will be hard to fix them, my question is:
Do you know some rule that I am yet unaware of?
Otherwise in your experience, did you have to deal with the same situation? Did you manage to keep the game balanced and without ruining the gameplay opportunities brought by the stunts system?