Undead (Zombies) created using only Finger of Death - unlimited.
1802 (7201 with max rolls) per 24 hours
Since "unlimited" is not a satisfying answer, I will calculate how many Zombies can be created within 24 hours / one week. This also requires thousands of "willing" humanoids to come to the Lichs lair, however that might be accomplished.
Starting out, the Lich can cast Finger of Death 3 times using his 9th, 8th and 7th level spell slot: +3 Zombies in 3 rounds (18 seconds)
The following rounds he has a 25% chance to regain a 7th or 8th level spell slot whenever he takes a lair action, needed to cast Finger of Death. Unfortunately, his lair actions description states the following (emphasis mine):
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Lich can take a lair action to cause one of the following magical effects; the Lich can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
This means, on average, he regains a 7th or 8th level slot every 8 rounds, which can then be used in a subsequent casting of Finger of Death.
With the remaining 23 hours, 59 minutes and 42 seconds (= 14,397 rounds) of the day, assuming average dice rolls, the Lich can cast Finger of Death 1799 times (rounded down from 1799.625): 1799 Zombies in 14,397 rounds
This brings us to a total of 1802 Zombies withing 24 hours (assuming enough humanoids around)
If he were to always roll max on his dice to regain spent spell slots, this number increases to a total of 7201 Zombies.
If he continues this for a full week, he will end up with 12,614 (50,407) zombies in one week.