My group has recently started a weekly game of Starfinder, a system we don't have any prior experience in. During a level-up in the last session, we found the following inconsistency or at least curiosity in the core rulebook.
When creating a character the book mentions that:
You can’t make any individual score higher than 18.
You can increase your score over 18 on each subsequent ability score increase level. That means 4 times increase by 1 to a total of 22.
On top of that, you can get a personal upgrade with another +6 to a given ability score.
That would put the maximum ability score a character can achieve to 28.
However, table 2–1 on p. 19 that shows ability scores and their modifiers only goes up to score value 26 with a +8 modifier.
The table is simple and extending it for additional values is very obvious. However, it made us wonder if we are not missing a rule that limits ability scores in a similar way that D&D 5e and some other systems do or even something else about Starfinder that is relevant to this scenario.