I am resurrecting a campaign which had been on hold for several months, and considering updating from Pathfinder to 4e (which I have never run before), and juggling the mental calculus that goes into this decision. I don't want to start an edition war here - I'm honestly interested in what other GMs might suggest based on my party's and my own limitations/interests.
Practical considerations: we play every other week, generally 3-4 hour sessions (not as long as I would prefer, but it is the only way our schedules work out). I understand a lot of the tactical depth of 4e comes from attrition and resource management. Is this enough time to run the multiple encounters per day I would need?
Player considerations: My party are either entirely new to RPGs or only familiar through WoW and Skyrim - I think they often feel either overwhelmed by the build options presented by Pathfinder, or disappointed by the "sameness" of combat. None are very invested in their characters yet.
GM considerations: I honestly struggle with the crunchiness of Pathfinder's encounter design as well as certain mechanics (a grapple flow-chart?! Lord help me!), and I feel like combat is by far the blandest part of my games, yet it takes the most time. 4e intrigues me since it seems like it might spice up encounters and speak to the video-game background of my players. That said, I am a huge role-playing wonk, and fostering character development/RP-interactions is the most gratifying element for me. I've heard that 4e often feels "off" when not tailored to the crack-em-on-the-head dungeon-delve style of play, which I generally avoid. Finally, I have never run 4e before, so I am a little nervous at attempting to teach my players a system I am only semi-competent in myself.
What do other GMs think? Should I take the plunge? I don't want better combat to come at the expense of role-playing and interacting with my world in novel ways. Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated!