In Space Junk Cyberpunk I can sing Happy Birthday after every third roll to remove one loneliness.
Here are the rules:
You have three scores: BREAKDOWN (which starts at 0) LONELINESS (which starts at 0) RESCUE (which starts at O)
To start the game, you generate a new Event by rolling a six-sided die (d6). Adjust your scores as directed by the table (or subtable), then roll a new event. TIME PASSES... (ROLL A d6)
1 or 2 Keeping Busy...
3 or 4 Machine Dreams...
5 or 6 You send a report into the stars in the direction Of home. Gain 1 RESCUE.
Keeping Busy
Roll | Description | Result |
1 | You get dust in your motors. They sputter and grind. | +1 BREAKDOWN |
2 | You collect rocks, and pile them up in nice stacks. | +1 LONELINESS |
3 | You stare up at the sky, and look for home in the stars. | +1 LONELINESS |
4 | You get stuck in a rockslide, and are forced to try and free yourself. | +1 BREAKDOWN |
5 | One of your arms stops working after you pick up something heavy. After both your arms break, re-roll on this table in future. | +2 BREAKDOWN |
6 | A storm of rock and sand buffets you. There is no shelter in this place. | +1 BREAKDOWN, +1 LONELINESS |
Machine Dreams
Roll | Description | Result |
1 | You try and patch yourself up. It takes time. | You may add 1 LONELINESS to remove 1 BREAKDOWN |
2 | You think of home. What did it look like? | +1 LONELINESS |
3 | Who were your creators? Were they kind? Strong? Wise? You hope so. | +1 LONELINESS |
4 | You work harder than ever to try and avoid the thoughts | You may add 1 BREAKDOWN to remove 1 LONELINESS |
5 | Long days and long nights. Nothing but silence. | NO CHANGE |
6 | There's a sputter on the radio. You eagerly strain your receptors, listening for more. | +1 RESCUE |
But what if my sad little robot doesn't want to?
How often do I need to sing Happy Birthday to myself, preferably as little as possible, so I can still survive? Or is singing the only way to survive?