Recalculate the CR with a -5 penalty to hit
A poisoned creature has disadvantage an all ability checks and attack rolls. Ability checks and their modifiers however do not factor into the CR of a Monster, so all we need to consider is what that condition does to attack rolls. Disadvantage is generally consider to be -5 penalty on any check, this can be see in the PHB rules about passive checks and is further elaborated in this answer. This means, to find out what challenge a poisoned monster poses, we can recalculate its CR, while giving it a -5 an all attack rolls. I will keep this process short, assuming you already know had to calculate CRs according to the rules in DMG.
Damage per Round: 13
To Hit: +6 -5 = +1
OCR: 1/2
Average HP: 30
Armor Class: 12
DCR: 1/8
Final CR: 1/4
Damage per Round: 14
To Hit: +5 -5 = 0
OCR: 1/2
Average HP: 59
Armor Class: 11
DCR: 1/4
Final CR: 1/4 or 1/2 (your choice)
For the Ogre, note that the designer's gave it a higher CR than its actual calculation would wield (CR 2 instead of 1), because it can instantkill a level 1 PC, check out this answer for more info.
Ogre Battering Ram
Damage per Round: 15 * 3 = 45 (can attack thrice per round with multiattack and reaction)
To Hit: +6 -5 = +1
OCR: 5
Average HP: 76
Armor Class: 11
DCR: 1/2
Final CR: 3 (5,5 / 2 = 2,75 rounded up)
This doesn't really work for Monsters that use saves
Note that in general monsters who don't primary deal damage with attacks, but with abilities that require saving throws (e.g. Dragons with their breath weapons or many spellcasters) will not have their CRs changed by this recalculation. While fighting them most of their challenge will still be intact, even when poisoned, though if they still deal part of their damage with attacks (like again, dragons would do if their breath is on cooldown), the encounter will most likely still be easier than before.