My players are exploring a megadungeon. They're close to encountering a section of the dungeon where ancient elemental spells have run amok and do constant area damage. Specifically, in some areas in this dungeon, players will take 5 damage of an elemental type (fire, cold, lightning, or sonic) each round.
The intent is that these areas of the dungeon are essentially inaccessible unless the players obtain resistance to the specified damage type. They've previously met a potion merchant who sells potions of lesser resistance, so they'll be rewarded if they remember that and go buy lesser potions of resistance.
However, I'm curious what other options players have to solve this problem. Are there other spells, items, or effects that give long-term resistance to a specific damage type? Note that they'll need resistance for a minimum of 10 minutes, and ideally 30-60 minutes, to give them time to explore, solve traps, and figure out how to fix or disable the spells. This means that spells or effects that give one minute of resistance will be insufficient, and effects that give 10 minutes of resistance may not work unless they are relatively low-cost and could be reapplied.