
There are some feats & options that have an ethnicity requirement would a half elf with elven atavism decended from that ethnicity & raised in that culture of elves qualify.


1 Answer 1


Heritages Are Not Ethnicities

A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have more or fewer members from a particular heritage.

Whether a half-elf (or Aiuvarin post-remaster) has an elven heritage through Elf Atavism or not doesn't inherently determine their ethnicity. Any half-elf belonging to the appropriate cultural group would qualify as a member of that ethnicity, without needing to take a feat for it.

For example, a Mualijae half-elf of the Mwangi Jungle could take Share Thoughts as their 1st-level ancestry feat, just like any other Half-Elf, Human, or Elf feat they qualify for.


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