Question explains itself but for clarity I'll give a example. Idea starts with getting a Critical Hit with the following power:
Pinwheel Revolver Ranged Damage 8 (Reaction: When a character within 5 ft of you ends a movement further away from you, Improved Critical 4, Ricochet 2, Homing 2) (Unreliable 5/5, Easily Removable)
Instead of simply increasing the Damage DC by 5, I want to take off Reaction to give it Multiattack (I have already seen that the Degree of Success from Crit is enough to give me a +5 anyways), Secondary Effect (might as well make it apply twice), Burst Area 7 (Rocket Launcher Tech is funny), and then maybe even remove Improved Critical 4 and Homing 2 for effects like Incurable, Insidious, and other random extras to ensure the damage does its job.
Wording for Alternate Effects gained via Critical Hits (pg. 240):
The critical hit results in an alternate effect for the attack, like a use of extra effort for a power stunt (see Extra Effort in The Basics chapter), except the character suffers no fatigue as a result. This option can represent a “lucky” attack that does something completely different, like blinding a target, or imposing a condition such as those found under the Affliction effect.
I have already used the Action and there isn't really anything that requires it to continue being a Reaction as the attack is resolving for when I make a Alternate Effect since its already applying, unlike normal Power Stunts which clearly have to use their own action since you gained it as a free action rather than changing a effect midway through resolution.
What I'm looking for in a answer: A hard coded rule in Mutants and Masterminds that specifies whether or not this sort of thing is not allowed, as well as the page number(s) for sources that back up the answer. Will admit Critical Hit Alternate Effects as a idea initially threw me off guard as soon as I realized what could be done with it, and while I figure most players of this game wouldn't do what I'm doing here, knowing that you can would make a fun boss fight and possibly give players a new way to think about the game as they play.