I am preparing to start up a Hellfrost game using the Savage Worlds system. Although I've run Hellfrost before, it has always been for people who are already familiar with its fiction and fluff. In this new case though, players will be completely new to the world and everything that goes with it.
I have been mulling over the best way of introducing them to the world given just how many options there are for character creation in particular. Given the structure of the club I am running the game at, I really need to get into character creation in the first session, and don't have the luxury of being able to run one-shots to familiarise them with the whole thing.
My concern is that players will not understand the various options that are available to them during character creation without knowing the back story, but will get bored stiff (as will I), with page after page of notes to fill them in.
So, my question is - What is the best way of introducing a complex game world to players unfamiliar with its fiction whilst still hitting the ground running with character creation?
Note, I am aware I am talking about a specific game world, but feel this question also applies independent of this and this is reflected in the tags I have chosen.