There's lots of options!
Some of them are only good for your fellow vampires and some of them are good for both vampires and mortals. Let's discuss the latter first:
Vampires and Mortals
The Intimidate skill is an obvious buy, but so is the Presence ability score - Presence measure's your character's effect on a room or group of people based on a loose combination of appearance, personal magnetism, and attitude. Presence is about your impression; a high-Presence character might be charming, terrifying, or both. Both of these are pretty obvious buys. Talk to your storyteller about the Striking Looks merit; it affects presence-based rolls (including most forms of Intimidation) and you can use it to represent exceptionally intimidating looks or mannerisms.
Just Vampires
To start with you can think about the Fame merit as applied to local vampires, though it might not be the most appropriate. How has your character become part of vampiric society? If he was recruited as a weapon you could think about City Status - 3 or so is a Scourge or Hound, and it applies bonuses to your intimidation as well as being a literal fearsome reputation. Covenant status could be similar but for your specific covenant (if you have one).
Moving beyond that, there's some Discipline options. Protean 2 makes it so you always look at least as strong as anyone else as far as Predator's Taint is concerned (and buying up your Blood Potency to appear more fearsome is also worth looking into). Majesty 1 (Awe) helps on those intimidation rolls; Nightmare is the discipline of fear, terror, and dread. If your character is more subtle than their savage facade suggests, you can use Auspex to read emotions and eventually minds to discover what will scare your enemies the most, and the Dominate discipline (but especially the first two ranks) can be used to force terror - or an approximation thereof - in your enemies.
The downfall of all of these is that they require bucketloads of experience points; you can only buy a few with character creation points. It's very economic to buy into disciplines you're going to use up front (I'd suggest Protean 2 Majesty 1) and get those Presence and Intimidate ranks up. Past that, Blood Potency and Disciplines are the most expensive; you can buy merits with XP on the (relative) cheap but BP and Disciplines cost tens or dozens of experience points. Look for ways to save resources on that if you want things by character creation.