Situation: Experienced game master with experienced players, predominantly from Pathfinder/D&D 3.5 background, but everyone new to Numenera.
I've read the book, and think I have a pretty good handle on the setting, and system mechanics. While the "Weird" is all about story over mechanics, and I know my players can get in to that mindset pretty fast once playing, I also know that their experience with the "crunchy" bits of Pathfinder will make them want to understand all (or most) of the mechanical options they have for character creation.
What has worked for you, to provide a fast intro to Numenera character generation rules for your players, to get their "Quirky Nano who Talks to Bees," on their character sheet and doing things first session?
I can get them to read the Amber Monolith story for setting, and quickly communicate the idea of target numbers as 3x difficulty on a check, and we can mostly wing it from there. However, my concern is explaining Edge, Effort, and the sheer variety of game-mechanic advantages each "verb" could give their character. I don't want everyone to have to read through them all, just to see what might be interesting.
Looking for practical suggestions to speed up start of gameplay, and get them doing things first session. We can explain the rest later.